Is that time of the year! Not the Ho-Ho-Ho one, but that time where leaves change colors, forests turn into beautiful orange pastel, sunsets last tenths of minutes and turn into spectacular sky art, and of course pumpkin soup is cooking in all kitchens. Yummy! As much as I am a summer person, I find this period somehow cozy and chill. A slowly transition from nesting to hibernation. What can be a better way to start the autumn, than celebrating it at the pumpkin festival in Ludwigsburg, Germany?

Pumpkin Festival in Ludwigsburg
Today as the 1st of October I am introducing you to the Ludwigsburg Pumkin Festival (in Stuttgart Area, Germany). Each year for about 2 Months the Blühendes Barock Castle in Ludwigsburg is hosting this colored festival where thousand of pumpkins are brought from the surrounding area. Yes, all made in Germany!

Entrance Fee
For an Entrance Fee of 9 EUR/ pP (* official prices 2019 ) you can spend a few good hours there visiting the castle gardens, the pumpkin exhibition and the Fairy Tale Garden. All included in the Ticket Price. Opening hours are between 9:00 and around 18:00 depending on the time of the month. There is no artificial light for the exhibition so you better take your pictures during day time.
What to see?
Pumpkins decorations, giant pumpkin sculptures, artistic carving, pumpkin canoe competition, 555 liters pumpkin soup, culinary and decorative pumpkin sales.

What to eat?
You will not leave this event hungry that is for sure. Pumpkin gourmet specialties are there ready to be sold: Pumpkin Tarte Flambee, Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Burger, Roasted Pumpkin Seeds and many more.
“Our pumpkins are grown primarily in the district of Ludwigsburg. Around 80% come from the Eisenmann fruit farm near Marbach am Neckar, while roughly 20% are grown by pumpkin producers in the greater Stuttgart region. This regional cooperation enables us to reach our goal of offering local produce requiring minimum transport.” * official website.

BONUS Subscribe in October to our Newsletter on and you will receive 3 Free Pumpkins Desktop Wallpapers from the Ludwigsburg Festival.

Thank you for reading until the end. Have you been to pumpkin festival before? Looking forward to hear your thoughts in the comment section on the pumpkin festival in Ludwigsburg. Let’s keep in touch on social media too for more travel stories: Instagram and Pinterest 🌍❤
S P R E A D I N G * T R A V E L * L ❤ V E ,
i o a n a
The pumpkin soup looks delicious. Just right for a warm treat to the body and soul in a sunny autumn day.
Hehehe you really nailed it with the description! Sound perfect! Oh btw the soup was AWESOME!
Golden sweet autumn you shared with us a beautiful side of it besides its delicious stuff☺️
Thank you so much that you appreciate my post. This is for sure one of the coolest reasons to celebrate autumn: beautiful colors and delicious food 😛 Love it!
Very nice and interesting post! Thanks for sharing it. Personally, I love pumpkin, and never heard of such a festival until reading your post. If I have a chance, I’ll definitely visit this festival. ☺️
You can not imagine how glad I am you find this post useful and interesting! For sure it is worth going there. It is every years so no rush!:) Thank you for your feedback ❤
I just made a delicious pumpkin soup – thank you again for the wonderful ideas
Yuuum! That sounds delicious! Especially with this weather change! I am very pleased that you like the event. It is for sure worth going there at least one time.